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CASA Youth Poem

Written by: Maggie Fritzen Posted on: March 24, 2015 Blog: In the Community

Casa child window

I am….

Often times, the youth we advocate for struggle to find a way to identify themselves. They've usually been moved from place to place, landing in a residential facility, wondering why they are being punished for being victims. When they reach the age of adulthood, they sometimes don't know where to go or who to trust.

Recently one of the older youth CASA of Kent County advocates for shared a poem she wrote. It perfectly captures the fear our youth face as they get ready to leave "the system" that has so often been the only "parent" they've known.

I am a brave but scared girl
I wonder if I'll ever be free
I hear new opportunities closing and opening
I see mute yellow walls all around me
I want to be free

I am a brave but scared girl
I pretend to be happy
I feel like I'm slowly slipping away
I touch my future but it feels like its slipping away
I worry that my past will come back
I cry because I am weak

I am a brave but scared girl
I understand I can never turn back
I say "I can always move forward"
I dream that one day I'll be happy
I try to move on
I hope for a new beginning

Posted on May 28, 2014 by Jennifer Volkers

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